Our Story
King’s Leaf Cigars is the premier cigar retailer in the Charleston, South Carolina metropolitan area. Boasting walk-in humidors in all four locations, King’s Leaf Cigars is uniquely focused on bringing to our customers the best of what the cigar world has to offer.
We started our cigar journey in 2015 with our first store, located in Downtown Charleston. We spent considerable time cultivating our humidor to ensure that we had exactly what we wanted to offer: a large variety premier cigars at reasonable prices. Couple that with our unwavering customer service, we found the magic that allows everyone that stops in our lounge to feel like a king.
In 2017, we acquired our next shop in Goose Creek, South Carolina. This was a fantastic opportunity to bring some of the love for cigars that we brought to Downtown up the highway to Goose Creek. We immediately expanded the store’s selection, added shelf space in the humidor, reinvented the lounge, and made a particular effort to ensure that our local customers were as well taken care of as our visitors Downtown.
We continued the trend in 2019, with the opening of our third location in West Ashley, one of the oldest suburbs of Charleston. The 3,000 square foot lounge offers a pool table, darts, a golden-tee golf machine, comfy seating, and TVs throughout. Not to mention, yet another well-stocked walk-in humidor, including lockers for our regulars.
Our latest venture brings King’s Leaf Cigars to the Summerville area. Located in Nexton Square, King’s Leaf is offering a slightly different approach. King’s Leaf – Nexton will offers a huge section of premium wine in addition to our prolific cigar portfolio. Combine great wine with another beautiful walk-in humidor and classy yet cozy lounge, King’s Leaf – Nexton is one of the most exciting new venues in the area to find great smokes and fine wine in a relaxed setting.
Our unwavering dedication to premium cigars is unrivaled. Stop by one of our locations to see what the buzz is about. We look forward to finding the perfect cigar for you.